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1. Concepts and definitions

1.1 Electronic platform or Platform - website (from now on referred to as the Website), through which information about Events is presented and the opportunity to book and/or purchase Tickets for Events is provided,

1.2 Company- The Company organizing the work of the Platform in accordance with the procedure established by the Legislation of the Republic of Armenia,

1.3 Event- concert, performance, film, exhibition, festival or other event,

1.4 Event Organizer - a natural or legal person or individual entrepreneur cooperating with the Company, who organizes the Event in accordance with RA Legislation and presents the information about the Event through the Platform in accordance with the procedure established by the Company, making the booking of the Event and the purchase of Tickets available to the Website users,

1.5 User- a natural person who agrees to the terms and conditions established by the Company with or without registering on the Platform and uses the services offered by the Platform through the Platform,

1.6 Ticket- a set of electronic records confirming the right to participate in the Event, which is provided to the User by sending it to the User’s email after payment is made in the amount specified by the Event Organizer and in the manner established by the Company.

2. General provisions

2.1 This defines the procedure, terms and other basic provisions for using the Platform (from now on referred to as the “Terms”),

2.2 The Terms are a public offer (proposal) presented by the Company to the Platform Users, which the Users can accept only by fully joining them,

2.3 From the moment of acceptance of this offer by the User, the Terms, together with the Privacy Policy, price list, as well as all other rules and regulations published on the website, constitute a binding contract concluded between the User and the Company (from now on referred to as the "Contract"),

2.4 This offer is considered accepted by the User and the Contract with the Company is considered concluded from the moment the User clicks “I accept the terms” button on the Platform,

2.5 To book an Event/purchase Tickets through the Platform, the User must accurately fill in all necessary information on the website: name, surname, contact data (email address, phone number, etc.), select the Event offered on the Platform, and then follow the instructions on the Platform regarding payment and other necessary actions,

2.6 The Terms can be amended from time to time, which will take effect immediately and which Users can follow on the Platform. Moreover, if the Users continue to use the services of the Company, it means that they agree to the amendments in the Terms. The Company recommends regularly visiting the section of the Platform Terms and Conditions to familiarize yourself with the amendments made.

3. Platform usage description, Event booking, Ticket purchase and Payment procedure

3.1 The Company, in accordance with the procedure established by the Terms, as well as other documents posted on the Platform and the Legislation of the Republic of Armenia, provides the User and Event organizers with the opportunity to use the Platform for the purpose of posting information about Events, booking and purchasing Tickets, and the Users and Event organizers undertake to use the Platform in accordance with the procedure established by the Terms and the Legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

3.2 The relations between the Company and the Event organizers are regulated by the Terms, as well as service /agency contracts and other additional agreements concluded between the Company and the Event Organizers.

3.3 The Event organizer posts information about the Events on the Platform in the manner and under the conditions established by the Company and agreed upon with each other.

3.4 Users receive information about Events, book and/or purchase Tickets by following the instructions established on the Platform for purchasing/paying for Tickets.

3.5 The exact prices of Tickets are posted in the relevant sections of the Platform and in the case of selecting and paying for each Event, the User agrees to purchase a Ticket from the Event Organizer at the given price.

3.6 Payment for the Ticket is made in the method indicated on the Platform or, if several are indicated, in the method selected by the User, in AMD. Each Party independently bears all commission expenses on its part (on the part of their bank).

3.7 After making the payment for the Ticket, the Company sends the Event Ticket to the User's email.

4. Rights and obligations

4.1. The Company has the right to:

4.1.1 verify the authenticity of the data entered by the User by all means available to them, including requesting grounds and/or documents confirming the accuracy of the information entered,

4.1.2 limit, terminate or block access to the Platform for the User/Event organizer, in case of failure to provide the data requested by the Company or refusal to provide them,

4.1.3 terminate, suspend, partially limit, block the User/Event Organizer’s access to the Platform without prior notice if it is determined that they have violated the Terms, the legislation, and if, in the opinion of the Company, their actions pose a direct or indirect threat to the Platform and/or third parties,

4.1.4 change the form of organization of Platform work, the content, and the Terms,

4.1.5 terminate or temporarily suspend the operation of the Platform and/or carry out preventive works,

4.1.6 use the data entered by the User for marketing purposes, send advertising and informational messages and/or notifications to the phone number, email address specified on the Platform.

4.2 The User is obliged to:

4.2.1 independently check the data on the services provided, conditions, place and time and other details of the Events, and get acquainted with the Terms before booking and/or purchasing Tickets,

4.2.2 use the Platform only for their personal purposes and for the purposes of those persons on whose behalf they have the right to act and assume the corresponding rights and obligations in accordance with the procedure established by law. Acting on behalf of third parties or using third party data without legal grounds is prohibited.

4.2.3 Not to abuse the capabilities of the Platform, including making false bookings,

4.2.4 For the refund of the amount paid for the Tickets, contact the Event Organizer and clarify the relations related to the refund with them. The amount paid for Tickets will not be refunded if the User refuses to participate in the Event later than two days before the date of the Event, unless the Event Organizer expresses their consent. The Company has no obligation to provide a refund of the amount paid for Tickets.

4.3 The User has the right to:

4.3.1. Use the Platform in accordance with the rules established by the Terms, other documents and materials posted on the Platform,

4.3.2 At any time, submit a request to remove their data from the Platform database by sending an application to the Company’s email address indicated on the Platform, via feedback on the Website,

4.3.3 Send all their questions, comments, suggestions, feedback and requests to the Company through all available means of information and support of the Platform.

5. Responsibility, No Warranties, Representations and Agreements

5.1 Unless otherwise provided by the Contract, the Parties are responsible for non-implementation or improper implementation of their obligations in accordance with the Legislation of the Republic of Armenia. The Party that fails to implement or improperly implements its obligations under the Contract shall be liable unless it proves that the proper implementation was impossible due to force majeure circumstances.

5.2 The Company is not the organizer of the Events presented on the Platform and is not responsible for failure to comply with the expectations related to the Events. The Company is not responsible for the fact that the Events presented on the Platform do not comply with the expectations of Users. However, the Company has the right to accept or reject complaints and suggestions from Users in connection with the operation of the Platform, discuss and make decisions on them.

5.3 The responsibility for organizing Events, holding Events, booking, selling, paying for Tickets, refunds in case of failure to hold or improper implementation of an Event, and compensation for damages is fully borne by the Event organizer.

5.4 The Company does not guarantee the continuous, error-free, accurate, timely secure operation of the Platform, and does not guarantee the availability of the Platform at any time. The Company does not guarantee and is not responsible for a constant and error-free connection to the Internet. The whole Platform or the part of it can be unavailable due to maintenance operations, including technical improvements.

5.5 The Company makes reasonable efforts to prevent breakdowns and malfunctions during the operation of the Platform, but does not guarantee its uninterrupted operation and is not responsible for it.

5.6. The Company is not responsible for possible errors, failures, interruptions in the operation of the Platform if such errors, failures or interruptions are caused by scheduled maintenance or other systems beyond the control of the Company.

5.7 Due to technical and software features, the Company cannot guarantee timely receipt of electronic messages and/or notifications by Users.

5.8 The Company is not responsible for damage caused to Users or any third party (including lost profits), loss of data, or for additional costs incurred as a result of the use or inability to use the Platform, the purchase of services or additional services.

5.9. The Users guarantee that:

· The personal data provided by them when concluding the Contract is accurate and belongs to them,

· Any information and document provided by them to the Company are reliable and complete, and in case of providing false information, they are informed that they will bear liability established by the Legislation of the Republic of Armenia,

· The Contract is signed in a sober mind, and the User is legally competent,

· They have fully read and agreed to these Terms, the Privacy Policy available on the website, as well as other materials published by the Company on the website,

· When concluding the Contract, they understood and agreed that after providing their personal data, the Company or the Event organizer can collect, process, store, transfer, delete, block their data, both with and without the use of automated means. When registering for the Event on the Website, they are aware of and agree that their personal data will be transferred and made available to the Event organizers, and the persons providing services to the Company, in accordance with the provisions of the RA Law “On Personal Data Protection”.

6. Termination of relations between the Parties

6.1 The Contract is terminated upon provision of the Ticket for the Event booked through the Platform to the User, which is carried out by sending the Ticket by the Company to the email specified by the User. The Company is not responsible in cases where the User cannot obtain Ticket due to the User’s fault (incorrect, incomplete email address etc.).

6.2 The Company has the right to unilaterally terminate the Contract at any time by posting a corresponding notice on the Platform and/or notifying the User about it. The operation of the Contract is considered terminated from the moment of posting the notice on the Website or sending it to the User.

7. Contract's entry into force and other requisites

7.1 The Contract is considered concluded from the moment the User clicks the “I accept the terms” button on the Platform.

7.2 All relations not regulated by this Contract are regulated in accordance with the Legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

«Fast ticket» LLC

Address: Yerevan , G. Hovsepyan street 32/6

TIN: 00522372

Director: A. Ananyan

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a friend of your taste a friend of your taste